+ Responder ao Tópico

  1. #1

    Padrão Apache + OS Commerce

    Atualmente tenho um fedora rodando meu servidor dns/web, mas os sites que necessitam de upload de imagens, ele nega o mesmo...

    Fiz o teste em meu antigo servidor que era um freebsd funciona... o mesmo sistema, com o mesmo banco de dados...

    varios me disseram que o meu apache está configurado errado, mas repassei algumas vezes a configuracao comparando com o antigo servidor e bate tudo... tem algum modulo especifico a ser ativado??? tem alguma permissao que tem que ser dada em alguma pasta especifica do sistema???

    desde já agradeço...

  2. #2


    posta ae as configurações relacionada ao assunto!

  3. #3


    Código :
    ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
    GracefulShutDownTimeout 120
    <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
        AcceptMutex fcntl
        CoreDumpDirectory /tmp
        EnableExceptionHook Off
        ListenBacklog 511
        LockFile logs/accept.lock
        MaxClients 256
        MaxMemFree 0
        MaxRequestsPerChild 4000
        PidFile /var/run/httpd.pid
        ReceiveBufferSize 0
        SendBufferSize 0
        ServerLimit 256
        StartServers 8
        MinSpareServers 5
        MaxSpareServers 20
    <IfModule mpm_worker_module>
        AcceptMutex fcntl
        CoreDumpDirectory /tmp
        EnableExceptionHook Off
        ListenBacklog 511
        LockFile logs/accept.lock
        MaxClients 150
        MaxMemFree 0
        MaxRequestsPerChild 0
        MaxSpareThreads 75 
        MinSpareThreads 25
        PidFile /var/run/httpd.pid
        ReceiveBufferSize 0
        SendBufferSize 0
        ServerLimit 256
        StartServers 2
        ThreadLimit 64
        ThreadsPerChild 25
        ThreadStackSize 32768
    <IfModule mpm_event_module>
        AcceptMutex fcntl
        CoreDumpDirectory /tmp
        EnableExceptionHook Off
        ListenBacklog 511
        LockFile logs/accept.lock
        MaxClients 150
        MaxMemFree 0
        MaxRequestsPerChild 0
        MaxSpareThreads 75 
        MinSpareThreads 25
        PidFile /var/run/httpd.pid
        ReceiveBufferSize 0
        SendBufferSize 0
        ServerLimit 256
        StartServers 2
        ThreadLimit 64
        ThreadsPerChild 25
        ThreadStackSize 32768
    LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.so
    LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/mod_authn_anon.so
    LoadModule authn_default_module modules/mod_authn_default.so
    LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/mod_authn_alias.so
    LoadModule authz_host_module modules/mod_authz_host.so
    LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/mod_authz_groupfile.so
    LoadModule authz_user_module modules/mod_authz_user.so
    LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/mod_authz_dbm.so
    LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/mod_authz_owner.so
    LoadModule authz_default_module modules/mod_authz_default.so
    LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so
    LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/mod_auth_digest.so
    LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so
    LoadModule filter_module modules/mod_filter.so
    LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so
    LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so
    LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/mod_mime_magic.so
    LoadModule expires_module modules/mod_expires.so
    LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so
    LoadModule usertrack_module modules/mod_usertrack.so
    LoadModule unique_id_module modules/mod_unique_id.so
    LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so
    LoadModule version_module modules/mod_version.so
    LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
    LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so
    LoadModule autoindex_module modules/mod_autoindex.so
    LoadModule info_module modules/mod_info.so
    LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so
    LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.so
    LoadModule negotiation_module modules/mod_negotiation.so
    LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
    LoadModule imagemap_module modules/mod_imagemap.so
    LoadModule actions_module modules/mod_actions.so
    LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
    Include modules.d/*.conf
    Include conf.d/*.conf
    User apache
    Group apache
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
    ServerName dns.izaz.com.br:80
    Timeout 300
    KeepAlive On
    MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
    KeepAliveTimeout 5
    UseCanonicalName Off
    ServerTokens OS
    ServerSignature On
    HostnameLookups Off
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
    <Directory />
        Options -All -Multiviews
        AllowOverride None
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
    <Directory "/var/www/html">
        Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    <IfModule mod_include.c>
        <IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.shtml
    <IfModule mod_dir.c>
        DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.cgi index.pl index.htm Default.htm default.htm index.xml
    AccessFileName .htaccess
    <IfModule mod_authz_host.c>
        <FilesMatch "^\.ht">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
        TypesConfig conf/mime.types
    DefaultType text/plain
    <IfModule mod_mime_magic.c>
        MIMEMagicFile conf/magic
    ErrorLog logs/error_log
    LogLevel warn
    <IfModule mod_log_config.c>
        LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
        LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
        LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
        LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
        LogFormat "%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" VLOG=%{VLOG}e" vhost
        <IfModule mod_logio.c>
        CustomLog logs/access_log common
        CustomLog logs/access_log combined
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
        Alias /icons/ "/var/www/icons/"
        Alias /error/ "/var/www/error/"
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"
        ScriptAlias /protected-cgi-bin/ "/var/www/protected-cgi-bin/"
    <Directory "/var/www/icons">
        Options -Indexes MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    <IfModule mod_cgid.c>
    <Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
        AllowOverride All
        Options ExecCGI
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    <Directory "/var/www/protected-cgi-bin">
        AllowOverride All
        Options ExecCGI
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from
        #allow from .your_domain.com
    <IfModule mod_autoindex.c>
        IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort NameWidth=* HTMLTable
        AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.png) x-compress x-gzip
        AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.png) text/*
        AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.png) image/*
        AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.png) audio/*
        AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.png) video/*
        AddIcon /icons/binary.png .bin .exe
        AddIcon /icons/binhex.png .hqx
        AddIcon /icons/tar.png .tar
        AddIcon /icons/world2.png .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
        AddIcon /icons/compressed.png .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
        AddIcon /icons/a.png .ps .ai .eps
        AddIcon /icons/layout.png .html .shtml .htm .pdf
        AddIcon /icons/text.png .txt
        AddIcon /icons/c.png .c
        AddIcon /icons/p.png .pl .py
        AddIcon /icons/f.png .for
        AddIcon /icons/dvi.png .dvi
        AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.png .uu
        AddIcon /icons/script.png .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
        AddIcon /icons/tex.png .tex
        AddIcon /icons/bomb.png core
        AddIcon /icons/back.png ..
        AddIcon /icons/hand.right.png README
        AddIcon /icons/folder.png ^^DIRECTORY^^
        AddIcon /icons/blank.png ^^BLANKICON^^
        DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.png
        ReadmeName README.html
        HeaderName HEADER.html
        # IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
        # and not include in the listing.  Shell-style wildcarding is permitted.
        IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t

  4. #4


    Continuacao do arquivo:
    Código :
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
        AddLanguage ca .ca
        AddLanguage cs .cz .cs
        AddLanguage da .dk
        AddLanguage de .de
        AddLanguage el .el
        AddLanguage en .en
        AddLanguage eo .eo
        AddLanguage es .es
        AddLanguage et .et
        AddLanguage fr .fr
        AddLanguage he .he
        AddLanguage hr .hr
        AddLanguage it .it
        AddLanguage ja .ja
        AddLanguage ko .ko
        AddLanguage ltz .ltz
        AddLanguage nl .nl
        AddLanguage nn .nn
        AddLanguage no .no
        AddLanguage pl .po
        AddLanguage pt .pt
        AddLanguage pt-BR .pt-br
        AddLanguage ru .ru
        AddLanguage sv .sv
        AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
        AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
        <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
    LanguagePriority en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv zh-CN zh-TW
        <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
    ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback
        AddCharset us-ascii.ascii .us-ascii
        AddCharset ISO-8859-1  .iso8859-1  .latin1
        AddCharset ISO-8859-2  .iso8859-2  .latin2 .cen
        AddCharset ISO-8859-3  .iso8859-3  .latin3
        AddCharset ISO-8859-4  .iso8859-4  .latin4
        AddCharset ISO-8859-5  .iso8859-5  .latin5 .cyr .iso-ru
        AddCharset ISO-8859-6  .iso8859-6  .latin6 .arb
        AddCharset ISO-8859-7  .iso8859-7  .latin7 .grk
        AddCharset ISO-8859-8  .iso8859-8  .latin8 .heb
        AddCharset ISO-8859-9  .iso8859-9  .latin9 .trk
        AddCharset ISO-8859-10 .iso8859-10 .latin6
        AddCharset ISO-8859-13 .iso8859-13
        AddCharset ISO-8859-14 .iso8859-14 .latin8
        AddCharset ISO-8859-15 .iso8859-15 .latin9
        AddCharset ISO-8859-16 .iso8859-16 .latin10
        AddCharset ISO-2022-JP .iso2022-jp .jis
        AddCharset ISO-2022-KR .iso2022-kr .kis
        AddCharset ISO-2022-CN .iso2022-cn .cis
        AddCharset Big5        .Big5       .big5
        AddCharset WINDOWS-1251 .cp-1251   .win-1251
        AddCharset CP866       .cp866
        AddCharset KOI8 .koi8
        AddCharset KOI8-E .koi8-e
        AddCharset KOI8-r .koi8-r .koi8-ru
        AddCharset KOI8-U .koi8-u
        AddCharset KOI8-ru .koi8-uk .ua
        AddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-2 .ucs2
        AddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-4 .ucs4
        AddCharset UTF-7 .utf7
        AddCharset UTF-8 .utf8
        AddCharset UTF-16 .utf16
        AddCharset UTF-16BE .utf16be
        AddCharset UTF-16LE .utf16le
        AddCharset UTF-32 .utf32
        AddCharset UTF-32BE .utf32be
        AddCharset UTF-32LE .utf32le
        AddCharset GB2312      .gb2312 .gb 
        AddCharset utf-7       .utf7
        AddCharset utf-8       .utf8
        AddCharset big5        .big5 .b5
        AddCharset EUC-TW      .euc-tw
        AddCharset EUC-JP      .euc-jp
        AddCharset EUC-KR      .euc-kr
        AddCharset shift_jis   .sjis
        AddDefaultCharset Off
        AddType application/x-compress .Z
        AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
        AddType image/x-icon .ico
        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
        AddHandler imap-file map
        AddHandler type-map var
        <IfModule mod_include.c>
    AddType text/html .shtml
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
        <IfModule mod_include.c>
    <Directory "/var/www/error">
                AllowOverride None
                Options IncludesNoExec
                AddOutputFilter Includes html
                AddHandler type-map var
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
                LanguagePriority en cs de es fr it ja ko nl pl pt-br ro sv tr
                ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback
            ErrorDocument 400 /error/HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.html.var
            ErrorDocument 401 /error/HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED.html.var
            ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
            ErrorDocument 404 /error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var
            ErrorDocument 405 /error/HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.html.var
            ErrorDocument 408 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT.html.var
            ErrorDocument 410 /error/HTTP_GONE.html.var
            ErrorDocument 411 /error/HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED.html.var
            ErrorDocument 412 /error/HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED.html.var
            ErrorDocument 413 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE.html.var
            ErrorDocument 414 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE.html.var
            ErrorDocument 415 /error/HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.html.var
            ErrorDocument 500 /error/HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.html.var
            ErrorDocument 501 /error/HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.html.var
            ErrorDocument 502 /error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var
            ErrorDocument 503 /error/HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var
            ErrorDocument 506 /error/HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES.html.var
    <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
        BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
        BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
        BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
        BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
        BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
        BrowserMatch "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider" redirect-carefully
        BrowserMatch "MS FrontPage" redirect-carefully
        BrowserMatch "^WebDrive" redirect-carefully
        BrowserMatch "^WebDAVFS/1.[0123]" redirect-carefully
        BrowserMatch "^gnome-vfs" redirect-carefully
        BrowserMatch "^XML Spy" redirect-carefully
        BrowserMatch "^Dreamweaver-WebDAV-SCM1" redirect-carefully
    <IfModule mod_status.c>
        <Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    allow from
        ExtendedStatus On
    <IfModule mod_info.c>
        <Location /server-info>
    SetHandler server-info
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    allow from
    <IfModule mod_usertrack.c>
        CookieName Apache
    <Directory /var/www/html/addon-modules>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    <Location /index.shtml>
        Options +Includes
    Include conf/fileprotector.conf
    Include conf/webapps.d/*.conf
    NameVirtualHost 201.x.y.z
    Include conf/vhosts.d/*.conf

  5. #5

  6. #6


    criei mais uma para demonstracao com o erro...


    a area de administracao onde na inclusao de produtos da o erro de upload é www.izaz.com.br/demonstra/loja/admin

    usuario demo, senha demo

  7. #7


    Error: Files cannot be uploaded as this directory is not writable: /var/www/izaz.com.br/demonstra/loja

    ta dizendo que o diretorio nao tem permissão de escrita!

    se tiver acesso da um chmod p/ ver!

  8. #8


    em qual parte do sistema da esta mensagem???

  9. #9


    Já fiz os testes com todos chmod possiveis... nada...
    tentei com a configuracao abaixo para a pasta.... nada...

    <Directory /var/www/izaz.com.br/demonstra/loja>
    Options None
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    agora pelo menos está demorando um pouco mais na hora que clica no botao... como se tivesse mandando a imagem... mas nada...