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  1. #1

    Padrão queue

    pessoal no queue simple, tem a opçao time, para que e ela, e como configurar, obrigado

  2. #2

    Padrão Re: queue

    Pelo que entendi é para apenas ativar quando ela estiver configurada.

    Por exemplo, se uma queue estiver configurada, vc pode definir o tempo, dia, para que ela seja ativada.

    Creio eu que seja isso.
    Other properties

    • name (Text) : Unique queue identifier that can be used as parent option value for other queues
    • direction (One of both, upload, download, none; default: both) : allow to enable one-directional limitation for simple queues (disable other direction)
      • both - limit both download and upload traffic
      • upload - limit only traffic to the target
      • download - limit only traffic from the target

    • time (TIME-TIME,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat - TIME is local time, all day names are optional; default: not set) : allow to specify time when particular queue will be active. Router must have correct time settings.
    • dst-address (IP address/netmask) : allows to select only specific stream (from target address to this destination address) for limitation explain what is target and what is dst and what is upload and what not
    • p2p (one of all-p2p, bit-torrent, blubster, direct-connect, edonkey, fasttrack, gnutella, soulseek, winmx; default: not set) : allow to select unencrypted packets of particular p2p for limitation
    • packet-marks (Comma separated list of packet mark names) : allows to use marked packets from /ip firewall mangle. Take look at the RouterOS packet flow diagram. It is necessary to mark packets before the simple queues (before global-in HTB queue) or else target's download limitation will not work. The only mangle chain before global-in is prerouting.

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