Estou estudando e pesquisando a uma semana o balanceamento de cargas ja li sobre varios aspectos.

clientes por links
serviços por link
balaceamento de carga por wireless (dividir os pacotes por radios paralelos sem duplicar o conteudo mais ou menos isso)

Essa perola se trata de um teste real composto por 4 router board em turbo mode fazendo balanceamento de carga nth em funçao de pacotes. Curiosidade o nth e a base teorica(algoritimo) usado em multi processadores por alguns projetistas de duplo ou quad nucleo para dividir o serviço e deve ter uns 40 anos que foi inventado...

Deixemosde conversa e vamos ao artigo

Super wireless test

Eugene Butan demonstrates ~360Mbps wireless link, more info on this page will be coming up soon. The traffic is being generated by a P4 machine, which then divides it into four links (4 routerboards) with per-packet load balancing, the routerboards are wirelessly connected to other four routerboards on the other end.
Note, that I am manually reducing power output of the cards to avoid overdriving the receiver on short range.
The setup comprises four individual wireless links (Nstreme2 in turbo mode) running between each pair of RouterBoards and two SuperMicro boxes which perform actual load-balancing. This configuration is optimised for full-duplex load, you might use bonded Nstreme1 on links between RouterBoards for better one-way performance.
A snippet from configuration of one of the SM boxes:
/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=gw1 nth=3,1,0/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=gw2 nth=3,1,1/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=gw3 nth=3,1,2/ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=gw4 nth=3,1,3/ip route add gateway= routing-mark=gw1/ip route add gateway= routing-mark=gw2/ip route add gateway= routing-mark=gw3/ip route add gateway= routing-mark=gw4

Ps. Se algum colega tiver algum script para que eu possa estudar
3 ou 4 links de entrada--- LB por serviços e saida 3 redes locais
meus links sao um de 4mbps , dois de 2mbps e um reserva de 1mbps.