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  1. #1


    Ai vai uma otima configuração do smb.conf teste!!!acho que esta bem explicada ideal para iniciante.


    # workgroup = Nome do grupo
    workgroup = LINUX

    # Comentario do compartilhamento
    server string = Compartilhamento servidor Samba

    # Quais as maquinas que terao acesso ao Samba
    ; hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.

    # Carregar as informacoes sobre as impressoraras
    printcap name = /etc/printcap
    load printers = yes

    # Tipos de spool de Impressao, bsd, sysv, plp, lprng, aix, hpux, qnx, cups
    printing = lprng

    # Conta convidado
    ; guest account = pcguest
    guest account = ftp

    # Log das maquinas samba
    log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

    # Tamanho dos logs (em Kb).
    max log size = 50

    # Nives de detalhamento do Log do samba (0=none, 1=normal, 2 and above not recommended for production box)
    debug level = 1

    # Nivel de seguranca (security_level.txt para detalhes)
    security = user
    ; security = share

    # Senhas criptografadas
    # ENCRYPTION.txt, Win95.txt and WinNT.txt in the Samba documentation.
    # Do not enable this option unless you have read those documents
    encrypt passwords = yes

    # Para melhorar o desempenho do samba
    # Veja speed.txt e o manual para detalhes
    socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

    # Configure o Samba para usar multiplas interfaces
    ; interfaces =

    # Browser Master ou secundario (yes = master, no = secundario)
    local master = yes

    # Nivel para forçar o Master Browser (Nivel maximo windows 60)
    os level = 66

    # Contolador de dominio
    domain master = yes

    # Controlador de dominio preferencial
    preferred master = yes

    # Use only if you have an NT server on your network that has been
    # configured at install time to be a primary domain controller.
    ; domain controller = <NT-Domain-Controller-SMBName>

    # Controlar autenticação no dominio
    domain logons = yes

    # Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
    # WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable it's WINS Server
    # Configurar hosts allow com o indereço da lan
    wins support = yes

    #============================ Share Definitions ==============================
    comment = Home Directories
    browseable = no
    writable = yes

    # Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons
    ; [netlogon]
    ; comment = Network Logon Service
    ; path = /home/netlogon
    ; guest ok = yes
    ; writable = no
    ; share modes = no

    # Un-comment the following to provide a specific roving profile share
    # the default is to use the user's home directory
    ; path = /home/profiles
    ; browseable = no
    ; guest ok = yes

    # NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to
    # specifically define each individual printer
    ; comment = All Printers
    ; path = /var/spool/samba
    ; browseable = no
    ; Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
    ; guest ok = no
    ; writable = no
    ; printable = yes

    # This one is useful for people to share files
    ; comment = Temporary file space
    ; path = /tmp
    ; read only = no
    ; public = yes

    # A publicly accessible directory, but read only, except for people in
    # the "staff" group
    ; comment = Public Stuff
    ; path = /home/samba
    ; public = yes
    ; writable = yes
    ; printable = no
    ; write list = @staff

    # Other examples.
    # A private printer, usable only by fred. Spool data will be placed in fred's
    # home directory. Note that fred must have write access to the spool directory,
    # wherever it is.
    ; comment = Fred's Printer
    ; valid users = fred
    ; path = /homes/fred
    ; printer = freds_printer
    ; public = no
    ; writable = no
    ; printable = yes

    # A private directory, usable only by fred. Note that fred requires write
    # access to the directory.
    ; comment = Fred's Service
    ; path = /usr/somewhere/private
    ; valid users = fred
    ; public = no
    ; writable = yes
    ; printable = no

    # a service which has a different directory for each machine that connects
    # this allows you to tailor configurations to incoming machines. You could
    # also use the %u option to tailor it by user name.
    # The %m gets replaced with the machine name that is connecting.
    ; comment = PC Directories
    ; path = /usr/pc/%m
    ; public = no
    ; writable = yes

    # A publicly accessible directory, read/write to all users. Note that all files
    # created in the directory by users will be owned by the default user, so
    # any user with access can delete any other user's files. Obviously this
    # directory must be writable by the default user. Another user could of course
    # be specified, in which case all files would be owned by that user instead.
    ; path = /usr/somewhere/else/public
    ; public = yes
    ; only guest = yes
    ; writable = yes
    ; printable = no

    # The following two entries demonstrate how to share a directory so that two
    # users can place files there that will be owned by the specific users. In this
    # setup, the directory should be writable by both users and should have the
    # sticky bit set on it to prevent abuse. Obviously this could be extended to
    # as many users as required.
    ; comment = Mary's and Fred's stuff
    ; path = /usr/somewhere/shared
    ; valid users = mary fred
    ; public = no
    ; writable = yes
    ; printable = no
    ; create mask = 0765

    comment = compartilhamento dos dados da empresa
    path = /dados
    public = yes
    writable = yes
    printable = no
    browseable = yes
    only guest = yes
    guest ok = yes

  2. #2
    Moderador Avatar de Bruno
    Nov 2002
    Posts de Blog


    cara naum querendo falar mais ja falando

    que tal vc mandar estes artigos para os artigo não no forum

    não to brigando nem nada pois naum sou dono do site mais o seu artigo seria mais aproveitavel

  3. #3


    Valeu pela dica!!!!!é que estou meio de inicio nesse forum.