Ola a todos, estou tendo dificuldades de configurar corretamente o logcheck. O que eu quero que o logcheck faça, é que quando eu tenha algum problema no pc, ele me envie um email. Sempre que eu rodo o /usr/sbin/logcheck, ele me envia um email do tipo:

Warning: If you are seeing this message, your log files may not have been

Gave up no Logfile exist or we do not have permissions to read it

Check temporary directory: /tmp/logcheck.GPagGb

declare -x COLORTERM=""
declare -x CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/lib/qt/include:/usr/lib/qt/include"
declare -x DESKTOP_SESSION="default"
declare -x DISPLAY=":0.0"
declare -x DM_CONTROL="/var/run/xdmctl"

Bom, quando eu vou no /tmp, o arquivo logcheck.GPagGb nao existe. Segundo, eu gostaria que ele me mande uma mensagem dizendo algo com "o seu computador foi desligado de maneira errada" etc..(não levem ao pé da letra a mensagem ). Abaixo estou postando os meus conf do logcheck e do syslog.conf. Agradeço pela atenção..


cat logcheck.conf
# The following variable settings are the initial default values,
# which can be uncommented and modified to alter logcheck's behaviour

# Controls the format of date-/time-stamps in subject lines:
# Alternatively, set the format to suit your locale

#DATE="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')"

# Controls the presence of boilerplate at the top of each message:
# Alternatively, set to "0" to disable the introduction.
# If the files /etc/logcheck/header.txt and /etc/logcheck/footer.txt
# are present their contents will be read and used as the header and
# footer of any generated mails.

# Controls the level of filtering:
# Can be Set to "workstation", "server" or "paranoid" for different
# levels of filtering. Defaults to server if not set.


# Controls the address mail goes to:
# *NOTE* the script does not set a default value for this variable!
# Should be set to an offsite "[email protected]"

SENDMAILTO="[email protected]"

# Should the hostname in the subject of generated mails be fully qualified?

# Controls whether "sort -u" is used on log entries (which will
# eliminate duplicates but destroy the original ordering); the
# default is to use "sort -k 1,3 -s":
# Alternatively, set to "1" to enable unique sorting


# Controls whether /etc/logcheck/cracking.ignore.d is scanned for
# exceptions to the rules in /etc/logcheck/cracking.d:
# Alternatively, set to "1" to enable cracking.ignore support


# Controls the base directory for rules file location
# This must be an absolute path


# Controls if syslog-summary is run over each section.
# Alternatively, set to "1" to enable extra summary.


# Controls Subject: lines on logcheck reports:

#ATTACKSUBJECT="Attack Alerts"
#SECURITYSUBJECT="Security Events"
#EVENTSSUBJECT="System Events"

# Controls [logcheck] prefix on Subject: lines

# ADDTAG="no"


cat /etc/syslog.conf
#registra todas mensagens de erro e notificacoes importantes em /var/log/messages
*.warning;*.err;*.crit;*.alert /var/log/messages

authpriv.* /var/log/messages

#escreve em terminais quando a situacao é realmente grave
kern.crit,daemon.crit /dev/console
kern.crit,daemon.crit /root
*.emerg *

#separa outros arquivos.log para se tornar mais fácil a leitura
# Private authentication message logging:
authpriv.* -/var/log/secure

# Cron related logs:
cron.* -/var/log/cron

# daemon related logs:
daemon.* /var/log/daemon.log

#kern related logs:
kern.* /var/log/kern.log

# ftp related logs:
ftp* /var/log/ftp.log

#authopriv related logs:
authopriv.* /var/log/authopriv.log

# Mail related logs:
mail.* -/var/log/maillog

# This log is for news and uucp errors:
uucp,news.crit -/var/log/spooler
