ola estava vendo no site Mikrotik Expert
tem um script para Bloquear o Virus Conficker.
tentei coloca aki na versão 2.9.27 mais nao consegui faze rodar .
alguem ja fez e esta funcionando se sim posta ai pra gente ver .
vou colocar aki do jeito qu eu fiz se alguem souber o que esta de errado me ajuda por favor
so lembrando que foi retirado do site Mikrotik Expert
caso o proprietario do script nao autoriaze a colocar entre em contato que a gente apaga ..
script name: daily-conficker-list
/system schedulerCódigo ::local date [/system clock get date] :local month [:pick $date 0 3] :local day [:pick $date 4 6] :local year [:pick $date 7 11] #set month to numerical value :if ([$month] = "jan") do={ :set month "01" } :if ([$month] = "feb") do={ :set month "02" } :if ([$month] = "mar") do={ :set month "03" } :if ([$month] = "apr") do={ :set month "04" } :if ([$month] = "may") do={ :set month "05" } :if ([$month] = "jun") do={ :set month "06" } :if ([$month] = "jul") do={ :set month "07" } :if ([$month] = "aug") do={ :set month "08" } :if ([$month] = "sep") do={ :set month "09" } :if ([$month] = "oct") do={ :set month "10" } :if ([$month] = "nov") do={ :set month "11" } :if ([$month] = "dec") do={ :set month "12" } #download current days domain list /tool fetch address=www.epicwinrar.com host=www.epicwinrar.com mode=http src-path="conficker/$month-$day-$year.txt" :log info "Download Complete" :delay 2 #check to ensure todays file exists before deleting yesterdays list :log info "Begining Address List Modification" :if ( [/file get [/file find name="$month-$day-$year.txt"] size] > 0 ) do={ /ip firewall address-list remove [/ip firewall address-list find list=daily-conficker] :local content [/file get [/file find name="$month-$day-$year.txt"] contents] ; :local contentLen [ :len $content ] ; :local lineEnd 0; :local line ""; :local lastEnd 0; :do { :set lineEnd [:find $content "\n" $lastEnd ] ; :set line [:pick $content $lastEnd $lineEnd] ; :set lastEnd ( $lineEnd + 1 ) ; #resolve each new line and add to the address list daily-conficker. updated to list domain as comment :if ( [:pick $line 0 1] != "\n" ) do={ :local entry [:pick $line 0 ($lineEnd ) ] :if ( [:len $entry ] > 0 ) do={ :local listip [:resolve "$entry"] :if ($listip != "failure" ) do={ /ip firewall address-list add list=daily-conficker address=$listip comment=$entry :log info "$listip" } } } } while ($lineEnd < $contentLen) } :log info "Address List Modification Complete" #cleaning up /file remove "$month-$day-$year.txt"
Código :add comment=”" disabled=no interval=1d name=Conficker-daily on-event=”/system script run daily-conficker-list” start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=00:00:01
FONTE: http://mikrotikexpert.com/bloqueando...nficker-virus/