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  1. #1

    Unhappy firmware roteador corrompido

    talvez vc's podem me ajudar. campiei todo o google e nada de achar o firmware para o roteador alfa network aip-w610.
    ele esta corrompido e estou a tentar upar o firmware via TFTP mas nao encontrei nem no site do fabricante. :T

    agora estou a procurando pelo nome do chipset "RTL8186" imagens para ajudar na identificaçao

    Clique na imagem para uma versão maior

Nome:	         28042011502.jpg
Visualizações:	329
Tamanho: 	50,0 KB
ID:      	21930
    Clique na imagem para uma versão maior

Nome:	         28042011501.jpg
Visualizações:	479
Tamanho: 	43,3 KB
ID:      	21931
    Clique na imagem para uma versão maior

Nome:	         28042011500f.jpg
Visualizações:	493
Tamanho: 	70,7 KB
ID:      	21932
    a e tambem me digam c estou fazendo
    certo c tem como eu gravar o ios no roteador por TFTP, ja q nao tenho acesso por IP
    se alguem tiver roteador igual. por favor up pra mim o firmware em megaupload ou rapdshared ou 4shared

  2. #2

    Padrão Re: firmware roteador corrompido

    isso ja aconteceu comigo
    comprei um rádio krazer com o firmware aprouter
    com o tempo ele travava e não consegui mais acessar o ip dele
    instalei o firmware da krazer e voltou a ficar ok

  3. #3

    Padrão Re: firmware roteador corrompido

    Instala o Firmware da Krazer fica show de bola com esses chipset... e gratuito!!!

  4. #4

    Padrão Re: firmware roteador corrompido

    achei o problema piazada. procurando pelo google "rtl8186 firmware" la pela 10° pagina encontrei um site gringo. com umas escritas esquizitas. pedi pro google me traduzi e tinha um kara que esplicava como fazio a atualizaçao usando TFTP_Client e o maldito rtl8186 q é o chipset do roteador. mandei um e-mail pra esse kra e mais 2 manolos. no outro dia (hj) chega a resposta

    e-mail do manolo do site
    you must read english to use my tips for aliving alfa w610. Here is full manual and firmware to repair your alfa device.

    Sorry for my very bad english typing.
    hasDon't hurry up, you must be be consistent and the first several times, and reading comprehension, make sure you know what it will do. And the only way you can be successful with the W610i
    here is my few tips:
    have you knowledge / experience about TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol)?
    If no, search wiki or net, you can easy find any tips! Also you can write me, if you still not qualified about TFTP. Low level knowledge about TFTP you need, if you want repair Alfa (and few other devices with losted standard http communication).

    If you are understanding TFTP, then you can use following steps to wake up your Alfa AIP W610.
    Note: original firmware has been released in two parts (unknown reason for me). If you upload firt part (bigger) to device, you will not have succesfully repaired. My first experience ;-). My next attempt (succesfull): Join both binary fw files (bigger first, append second small file) to one and this joined file upload to device.

    Stupid pre-tips:
    1: download attachment from this mail and extract it to any directory on your computer [eg. Desktop/AlfaRepair]. In this directory you must see also file firm.bin

    2: Your network adapter must have a traffic /transparrency for this net area: 192.168.1.* AND your PC net adapter cannot have these adresses: 192.168. 1.6 and and (to avoid communication conflict:-) ) is a port, where is listening Alfa device for tftp.

    This guide I'm writing just from memory, it's been a long loong time..
    Files for firmware you can join/merge with any good binary editor, and you must be careful.
    I tried to connect himself hastily files that one, I think it's OK [firm.bin]. In attachment you can also find original two parts firmware, if you want testing it.

    1. Verify firewall setting for port TFTP - open it, or temporailly disable your firewall [better option].
    2. Connect your Alfa device with computer, via standard UTP (network) cable.
    3 Run cmdline in directory where is extracted file [firm. bin].
    Type command " tftp -i PUT firm.bin " and do NOT! Enter now.

    4.If you have Alfa device power On, then disable from mains, press reset button on device and hold, plug device to mains and still hold reset button cca 5 seconds. then release RESET button. LED controls on device are stable light (without flashing), this is point (time) ideal for working with device via TFTP.
    Note: availability a port for tftp cannot verify with ping [ICMP]! :-)
    5. Now in cmd window press Enter to execute TFTP command and wait for finish, or instruction. Don't interrupt transfer!

    6. After succesfully finished transfer, you can close cmd and unplug Alfa device from power
    Plug Alfa device to mains and wait, cca 2 minutes.
    Then you can try http on default http address in browser .
    After this work remember re-enable your firewall!!
    If you're successful, you can support me. I'm from the Czech Republic.
    segui as instrucoes, mas nao deu certo :-( dava o seguinte erro "no response from server" axo q era isso.

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((entao dive a ideia de faze isso usando o winXP sp3.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Resultado: o Firmware subiu bunito no router

    bom quem for bom no ingreis do kra da republica theca le assim memo. se nao jogue no google tradutor
    da pra entendo o que o kra diz. e só ler mais um poko sobre TFTP e pinba.

    o enexo q o kra diz é esse:

    MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

    qualquer coisa tiver off o link me manda e-mail([email protected]) pedindo. que ue upo de novo. !

  5. #5

    Padrão Re: firmware roteador corrompido

    Olá tive o mesmo problema com meu roteador . Já fiz o procedimento com o comando do tftp , o firmware é enviado mas nada muda , continuo sem acesso à página de config. Alguma ideia? Meu roteador é um DX original equivalente a um multilaser re051. Já upei uns 5 firmwares diferentes e de outras marcas mas é como se nada mudasse. Obrigado.