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    Padrão Re: BlacklistImportMK Open Source


  3. #3

    Padrão Re: BlacklistImportMK Open Source

    Pessoal Boa Noite

    Desculpe a falta de informação, e que estava saindo do serviço e a pressa todo mundo sabe que dá.

    O Programa ou Script para alguns, foi feito com intuito de formatar grandes lista de dominios para importar os mesmos para o mikrotik.

    Clique na imagem para uma versão maior

Nome:	         principal.JPG
Visualizações:	158
Tamanho: 	20,4 KB
ID:      	43105

    Clique na imagem para uma versão maior

Nome:	         principal2.JPG
Visualizações:	183
Tamanho: 	18,4 KB
ID:      	43106

    O ambiente que trabalho eu tenho o proxy invertido eu bloqueio tudo e so libero oque acho interessante estou com uma lista de 700 sites confiaveis, para setores de contabil, financeiros, sistes de diversos fabricantes etc...

    Porem ainda não ta bom, pois tenho alguns usuarios que tem saida liberada aqueles que não tem paciencia para manda links pra gente, como donos e aqueles que tem um pouco de poder maior dentro da empresa.

    E pra esses caras não atrapalhar os outros eu estava pensando em continuar do jeito que esta e mandar um big list acima deles com deny, ai mesmo que eles estejam liberados na parte baixo eles vão ser barrados nesse tipo de conteudo.

    ficando assim:



    3. MINI BIG LIST DO BEM > ALLOW se quiserem eu mando ela pra vocês

    4. > DENY



    Video :

    Download Big List:


    Quem quiser particiar para testar relatar bugs ou pegar na colher tambem e só falar.

    Valeu alexsuarezferreira ....

  4. #4

    Padrão Re: BlacklistImportMK Open Source

    Opa so reportando, eu notei que usando o terminal do putty para colar o script anda mais rapido.

    Olha o conteudo da lista.

    Category Description
    abortion Abortion information excluding when related to religion
    ads Advert servers and banned URLs
    adult Sites containing adult material such as swearing but not porn
    aggressive Similar to violence but more promoting than depicting
    antispyware Sites that remove spyware
    artnudes Art sites containing artistic nudity
    astrology Astrology websites
    banking Banking websites
    beerliquorinfo Sites with information only on beer or liquors
    beerliquorsale Sites with beer or liquors for sale
    blog Journal/Diary websites
    cellphones stuff for mobile/cell phones
    chat Sites with chat rooms etc
    childcare Sites to do with childcare
    cleaning Sites to do with cleaning
    clothing Sites about and selling clothing
    contraception Information about contraception
    culnary Sites about cooking et al
    dating Sites about dating
    desktopsillies Sites containing screen savers, backgrounds, cursers, pointers. desktop themes and similar timewasting and potentially dangerous content
    dialers Sites with dialers such as those for pornography or trojans
    drugs Drug related sites
    ecommerce Sites that provide online shopping
    entertainment Sites that promote movies, books, magazine, humor
    filehosting Sites to do with filehosting
    frencheducation Sites to do with french education
    gambling Gambling sites including stocks and shares
    games Game related sites
    gardening Gardening sites
    government Military and schools etc
    guns Sites with guns
    hacking Hacking/cracking information
    homerepair Sites about home repair
    hygiene Sites about hygiene and other personal grooming related stuff
    instantmessaging Sites that contain messenger client download and web-based messaging sites
    jewelry Sites about and selling jewelry
    jobsearch Sites for finding jobs
    kidstimewasting Sites kids often waste time on
    mail Webmail and email sites
    marketingware Sites about marketing products
    medical Medical websites
    mixed_adult Mixed adult content sites
    naturism Sites that contain nude pictures and/or promote a nude lifestyle
    news News sites
    onlineauctions Online auctions
    onlinegames Online gaming sites
    onlinepayment Online payment sites
    personalfinance Personal finance sites
    pets Pet sites
    phishing Sites attempting to trick people into giving out private information.
    porn Pornography <SO AQUI TEM MAIS DE 530 MIL SITES
    proxy Sites with proxies to bypass filters
    radio non-news related radio and television
    religion Sites promoting religion
    ringtones Sites containing ring tones, games, pictures and other
    searchengines Search engines such as google
    sect Sites about eligious groups
    sexuality Sites dedicated to sexuality, possibly including adult material
    shopping Shopping sites
    socialnetworking Social networking websites
    sportnews Sport news sites
    sports All sport sites
    spyware Sites who run or have spyware software to download
    updatesites Sites where software updates are downloaded from including virus sigs
    vacation Sites about going on holiday
    violence Sites containing violence
    virusinfected Sites who host virus infected files
    warez Sites with illegal pirate software
    weather Weather news sites and weather related
    weapons Sites detailing or selling weapons
    webmail Just webmail sites
    whitelist Contains site specifically 100% suitable for kids

    Mas dependendo do perfil do cliente podemos usar as pequenas, so de virus e conteudo malicioso.

    Falou ate mais....

  5. #5

    Padrão Re: BlacklistImportMK Open Source


    A lista acima ainda e incompleta, e DEMO eles cobram pela full.

    O primeiro link e free.


    Link direto: http://squidguard.mesd.k12.or.us/blacklists.tgz

    So a parte porn tem o dobro e de graça.