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  1. #1

    Padrão Bind com Chroot (master and slave)

    Alguem tem alguma forma (site se for o caso) de conseguir implementar um DNS com chroot para 1 IP disponível apenas.

    Utilizando o CentOS.

  2. #2


    acredito que quando instala pelo gerenciador de pacotes no centos ele já deixa em chroot. ou não?

  3. #3



    Quando se instala o bind com chroot automaticamente ele cria o dono e a permissão, quero apenas um link que dê certo isso.
    E talvez em inglês mesmo porque não quero copiar e colar.
    Se puderem me enviar testes que eu possa fazer para testar se está ou não funcionando o Bind.

  4. #4


    deixa eu ver se entendi.

    você quer saber como fazer isso 'no braço'?

    tem muito material sobre este assunto na internet, aqui eu tinha montado um no wiki, mas não tem mais. "/

    com uma pequena pesquisa aparecem muitas coisas.. Google

  5. #5


    Instala os pacotes e configura named.conf, em /var/named/chroot/etc, segue o named.conf:

    Código :
    # Example config created by SilentRage @ www.dollardns.net
    # Requires:
    # http://www.dollardns.net/bind/named.ca
    options {
            # Set the working directory from which all relative paths are based
            # For the win2k default install: "C:\WINNT\system32\dns\etc"
            directory "/var/named";
            # RECURSION - Required for caching servers
            # Default: yes
            # Values : yes, no
            # yes: Attempt to resolve requests we are not authoritative for
            # no : Do not resolve requests we are not authoritative for
            recursion yes;
            # ALLOW-RECURSION - Who may use our caching server?
            # Default: any;
            # Values : any, none, (addresslist)
            # any    : anybody may use the caching server
            # none   : noone may use the caching server
            # address: List of IP addresses that may use the caching server.
            allow-recursion { localhost;;;; sua rede aqui };
            # FORWARD - Recommended for caching servers
            # Default: first
            # Values : first, only
            # first: Query "forwarders" first, then resolve request ourself
            # only : Only query the "forwarders" to resolve requests
            #forward first;
            # FORWARDERS - Required if "forward" is used
            # Default: (no forwarding)
            # Values : (addresslist)
            # It is recommended that you use your ISP's caching server addresses # It is recommended that you use your ISP's caching server addresses
            # Example: forwarders {;; }
            forwarders { };
            # QUERY SOURCE - Useful for caching servers behind a firewall
            # Default: address * port *
            # Values : The IP address and port to use as the source of queries to other servers
            query-source address * port 53;
    # Setup logging
    logging {
            # Each channel defines a file path and what to log
            # Each category is a type of event you wish to log
            # You define channels and associate them with a category to log events
            channel query_logging {
                    # If you enable query logging, make sure to change the path to a valid directory
                    # version: number of backups created if size exceeded
                    # size   : maximum size of log file
                    file "/var/named/chroot/var/log/query.log" versions 3 size 100M;
                    # Time stamp entries
                    print-time yes;
            category queries {
                    # Uncomment the below line to enable query logging
                    # Also uncomment the logfile path above
            category lame-servers { null; };
    # Specify the root name servers
    zone "." IN {
            type hint;
            file "named.ca";