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  1. #1

    Padrão SINISTRO

    que parada é esta ?

    * poppassd.c
    * A Eudora and NUPOP change password server.
    * John Norstad
    * Academic Computing and Network Services
    * Northwestern University
    * [email protected]
    * Based on earlier versions by Roy Smith <[email protected]> and Daniel
    * L. Leavitt <dll.mitre.org>.
    * Doesn't actually change any passwords itself. It simply listens for
    * incoming requests, gathers the required information (user name, old
    * password, new password) and executes /bin/passwd, talking to it over
    * a pseudo-terminal pair. The advantage of this is that we don't need
    * to have any knowledge of either the password file format (which may
    * include dbx files that need to be rebuilt) or of any file locking
    * protocol /bin/passwd and cohorts may use (and which isn't documented).

  2. #2

    Padrão Re: SINISTRO

    eu acho que tem q falar com o john....fala com ele q vc é meu amigo.... tai msn dele [email protected]

  3. #3
    MODERADOR-CHEFE Avatar de osmano807
    Aug 2008
    Araguari - Minas Gerais
    Posts de Blog

    Padrão Re: SINISTRO

    Bem, pelo comentário, é o source de um programa em C/C++ que fica escutando em uma porta, e tu passa usuário, senha, senha nova, e ele troca a senha do usuário no linux.