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  1. #1

    Padrão RNCD BIND Slackware 10

    amigos quero saber como desabilitar o serviço RNCD do named ele ficar mando processo pra porta 1024 e 1024 fiz um teste com nmap pra ver nas portas upd ..elas estao..abertas..se eu fechar ela..eu nao pingo pra fora..
    que fazer

    named 714 root 20u IPv4 6910 UDP localhost:domain
    named 714 root 21u IPv4 6911 TCP localhost:domain (LISTEN)
    named 714 root 22u IPv4 6912 UDP darkstar.xxxxx.com.br:domain
    named 714 root 23u IPv4 6913 TCP darkstar.xxxxxxx.com.br:domain (LISTEN)
    named 714 root 24u IPv4 6914 UDP sv110-206.xxxx.com.br:domain
    named 714 root 25u IPv4 6915 TCP sv110-206.xxxxx.com.br:domain (LISTEN)
    named 714 root 26u IPv4 6916 UDP
    named 714 root 27u IPv4 6917 TCP (LISTEN)
    named 714 root 28u IPv4 6918 UDP *:blackjack
    named 714 root 29u IPv4 6919 TCP localhost:953 (LISTEN)

  2. #2

    Padrão RNCD BIND Slackware 10

    amigo, o canal de controle rndc pode ficar fazendo listen só no lo (, usando chave, não constitui risco.

    controls {
    inet allow { localhost; } keys { key_rndc; };

    e o rndc é usado para administrar (mesmo nos scripts de certas distros)

    Usage: rndc [-c config] [-s server] [-p port]
    [-k key-file ] [-y key] [-V] command

    command is one of the following:

    reload Reload configuration file and zones.
    reload zone [class [view]]
    Reload a single zone.
    refresh zone [class [view]]
    Schedule immediate maintenance for a zone.
    reconfig Reload configuration file and new zones only.
    stats Write server statistics to the statistics file.
    querylog Toggle query logging.
    dumpdb Dump cache(s) to the dump file (named_dump.db).
    stop Save pending updates to master files and stop the server.
    halt Stop the server without saving pending updates.
    trace Increment debugging level by one.
    trace level Change the debugging level.
    notrace Set debugging level to 0.
    flush Flushes all of the server's caches.
    flush [view] Flushes the server's cache for a view.
    status Display status of the server.
    *restart Restart the server.

    * == not yet implemented