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  1. #1

    Padrão Duvidas no Heartbeat

    Oi pessoal,

    Somos duas meninas de Portugal que estão instalando um cluster de HA, com duas máquinas ligadas entre si com um cabo cruzado (crossover). Configuramos as placas Ethernet com os IP's (servidor1/master) e (servidor2). Já fizemos o download do heartbeat do site www.linux-ha.org e seguimos o Getting Started Guide deles juntamente com o q tá no site ha.under-linux.org. Mas ao executar o heartbeat aparecem os seguintes erros no ficheiro de log (ha-log):

    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid user id name [hacluster]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Bad uid list [hacluster] in apiauth
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [ipfail uid=hacluster]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Syntax: apiauth [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: One or the other must be specified.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid user id name [hacluster]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Bad uid list [hacluster] in apiauth
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [ccm uid=hacluster]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Syntax: apiauth [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: One or the other must be specified.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid group name [haclient]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Bad gid list [haclient] in apiauth
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [ping gid=haclient]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Syntax: apiauth [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: One or the other must be specified.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid group name [haclient]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Bad gid list [haclient] in apiauth
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 ERROR: Invalid apiauth directive [cl_status gid=haclient]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Syntax: apiauth [uid=uidlist] [gid=gidlist]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Where uidlist is a comma-separated list of uids,
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: and gidlist is a comma-separated list of gids
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: One or the other must be specified.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: **************************
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Configuration validated. Starting heartbeat 1.2.3
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: heartbeat: version 1.2.3
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Heartbeat generation: 3
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: UDP Broadcast heartbeat started on port 694 (694) interface eth0
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: pid 13906 locked in memory.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:01 info: Local status now set to: 'up'
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:02 info: pid 13910 locked in memory.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:02 info: pid 13911 locked in memory.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:02 info: pid 13912 locked in memory.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:02 info: Link servidor1:eth0 up.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:03 info: Link servidor2:eth0 up.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:03 info: Status update for node servidor2: status active
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:03 info: Local status now set to: 'active'
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:03 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/status status
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:09 info: Received shutdown notice from 'servidor2'.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:09 info: Resources being acquired from servidor2.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:09 info: acquire all HA resources (standby).
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:10 info: Local Resource acquisition completed.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:10 info: Initial resource acquisition complete (T_RESOURCES(us))
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: Acquiring resource group: servidor1 httpd
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: Running /etc/ha.d/resource.d/IPaddr start
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: /sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: Sending Gratuitous Arp for on eth0:0 [eth0]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 /usr/lib/heartbeat/send_arp -i 1010 -r 5 -p /var/lib/heartbeat/rsctmp/send_arp/send_arp- eth0 auto ffffffffffff
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: all HA resource acquisition completed (standby).
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: Standby resource acquisition done [all].
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/status status
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: /usr/lib/heartbeat/mach_down: nice_failback: foreign resources acquired
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: mach_down takeover complete.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: mach_down takeover complete for node servidor2.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/ip-request-resp ip-request-resp
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 received ip-request-resp OK yes
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:15 info: Acquiring resource group: servidor1 httpd
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:16 info: Heartbeat restart on node servidor2
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:16 info: Status update for node servidor2: status up
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:16 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/status status
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:21 info: Local Resource acquisition completed. (none)
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:20:21 info: local resource transition completed.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 WARN: 1 lost packet(s) for [servidor2] [61:63]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 info: Status update for node servidor2: status active
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 info: No pkts missing from servidor2!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/status status
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 info: remote resource transition completed.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 ERROR: Both machines own our resources!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 ERROR: Both machines own foreign resources!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 info: servidor1 wants to go standby [foreign]
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 ERROR: Both machines own our resources!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:15 ERROR: Both machines own foreign resources!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:16 ERROR: Both machines own our resources!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:16 ERROR: Both machines own foreign resources!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:25 WARN: No reply to standby request. Standby request cancelled.
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:27 ERROR: Both machines own our resources!
    heartbeat: 2005/04/05_12:22:27 ERROR: Both machines own foreign resources!

    Os ficheiros principais, ha.cf, haresources e authkeys estão:

    -> ha.cf

    debugfile /var/log/ha-debug
    logfile /var/log/ha-log
    logfacility local0
    keepalive 2
    deadtime 30
    warntime 10
    initdead 120
    udpport 694
    bcast eth0 # Linux
    auto_failback on
    node servidor1
    node servidor2

    -> haresources
    servidor1 httpd

    auth 1
    1 crc

    Será q alguém nos ajuda? ops:


    Filipa e Nélia

  2. #2

    Padrão HA


    O que foi habilitado no arquivo ha.cf? Está dando uma mensagem de apiauth (API de autenticacao). Vc podia postar o arquiivo ha.cf para visualizar melhor o problema. Caso queira podem enviar para sergaobr AT yahoo.com.


  3. #3

    Padrão Heartbeat

    colocámos no ha.cf a seguinte linha
    apiauth ipfail gid=haclient uid=hacluster
    respwan hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail
    auto_failback off

    e já funciona!!!!