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  1. Avatar de ksombrah
    Olá estou tentando bloquear os downloads de um webmail específico, pesquisando cheguei nesse script:
    for i in
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d $i --dport 80 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d $i --dport 80 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j REJECT
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d $i --dport 443 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d $i --dport 443 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j REJECT
    iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d $i --dport 80 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j DROP
    iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d $i --dport 80 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j REJECT
    iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d $i --dport 443 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j DROP
    iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d $i --dport 443 -m string --string "Content-Disposition: attachment;" --algo bm -j REJECT
    Mas não está funcionando, alguma idéia?
  2. Avatar de ejd135
  3. Avatar de ejd135
  4. Avatar de Renald345
    [COLOR=#36A9E0][FONT=montserrat][B]What is Cloud Monitoring?[/B]

    [FONT=inherit][COLOR=#383838][FONT=inherit]Cloud monitoring is an ongoing procedure of reviewing & managing the cloud infrastructure’s operational workflow and associated processes. It is usually executed with the help of an automated IT infrastructure management and monitoring software which gives a centralised access and control over the cloud infrastructure. IT admins can review & track the operational status, performance and health of cloud-based devices and components.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#36A9E0][FONT=montserrat][B]Different types of Cloud Offerings[/B]

    [FONT=inherit][COLOR=#383838][FONT=inherit]There are different types of cloud services that needs monitoring. It is not only about monitoring servers hosted on Google App Engine, Azure or AWS. For enterprise customers it is all about monitoring what they consume (IT Infrastructure – Application, Database, OS, Server, Network etc.) and use in their daily lives bifurcated into what you manage and what the vendor manages.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    [FONT=inherit][TABLE="class: tablepress tablepress-id-4 dataTable no-footer, width: 909"]
    [TR="class: row-1 odd"]
    [TH="class: column-1 sorting_disabled, align: left"]PLATFORM TYPE[/TH]
    [TH="class: column-2 sorting_disabled, align: left"]DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION[/TH]
    [TH="class: column-3 sorting_disabled, align: left"]BENEFITS[/TH]
    [TH="class: column-4 sorting_disabled, align: left"]EXAMPLES[/TH]

    [TABLE="class: tablepress tablepress-id-4 dataTable no-footer, width: 909"]
    [TR="class: row-1 odd"]
    [TH="class: column-1 sorting_disabled, align: left"][/TH]
    [TH="class: column-2 sorting_disabled, align: left"][/TH]
    [TH="class: column-3 sorting_disabled, align: left"][/TH]
    [TH="class: column-4 sorting_disabled, align: left"][/TH]
    [TR="class: row-2 even"]
    [TD="class: column-1"]Software as a Service (SaaS)[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-2"]The most popular form which makes the app available through a browser. SaaS customers can enjoy the software without having to worry about development, maintenance, support, update, or backups.[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-3"]• Scale as you need
    • Seamless access through internet
    • Eliminates infra concerns
    • Bundled maintenance and Support[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-4"]Google Apps, Dropbox, Salesforce, Cisco WebEx, Office 365, Gmail, GoToMeeting, Netflix[/TD]
    [TR="class: row-3 odd, bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
    [TD="class: column-1"]Platform as a service (PaaS)[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-2"]Rapidly growing in popularity it is preferred by developers who want to focus on coding, testing and deploying apps, instead of wasting their time on hardware-oriented tasks such as managing security patches and operating system updates.[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-3"]• Strong community who build cloud applications
    • No hassle of upgrading software infra
    • Low Cost as upfront investment not required
    • Focus on development without worrying about infrastructure[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-4"]AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku,, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos[/TD]
    [TR="class: row-4 even"]
    [TD="class: column-1"]Infra as a Service (IaaS)[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-2"]At the bottom of the spectrum IaaS Vendors, deploy and manage pre-configured and virtualized hardware and enable users to spin up virtual machines or computing power without the labour-intensive server management or hardware investments.[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-3"]• Reduced TCO
    • Pay-as-you-go
    • Access to superior IT infrastructure
    • Up Scale & Down Scale based on requirement[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-4"]DigitalOcean, Linode, Rackspace, AWS, Cisco Metapod, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine (GCE)[/TD]

    [COLOR=#36A9E0][FONT=montserrat][B]What to monitor?[/B]

    [FONT=inherit][COLOR=#383838][FONT=inherit]The cloud as a solution is like a jigsaw puzzle consisting of various dynamic parts, and it is very important that all the parts seamlessly work together so that the output can be optimized. Cloud monitoring basically includes functions such as:[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [LIST][*][FONT=inherit]Website monitoring:[/FONT] Tracking the processes, traffic, availability and resource utilization of cloud-hosted websites[*][FONT=inherit]Virtual machine monitoring:[/FONT] Monitoring the virtualization infrastructure and individual virtual machines[*][FONT=inherit][URL=""]Database monitoring[/URL]:[/FONT] Monitoring processes, queries, availability, and consumption of cloud database resources[*][FONT=inherit]Virtual network monitoring:[/FONT] Monitoring virtual network resources, devices, connections, and performance[*][FONT=inherit]Cloud storage monitoring:[/FONT] Monitoring storage resources and their processes provisioned to virtual machines, services, databases, and applications[/LIST]
    [COLOR=#36A9E0][FONT=montserrat][B]Monitoring Cloud: Private vs Public or Hybrid Clouds?[/B]

    [FONT=inherit][TABLE="class: tablepress tablepress-id-5 dataTable no-footer, width: 909"]
    [TR="class: row-1"]
    [TH="class: column-1 sorting_disabled, align: left"]TYPE[/TH]
    [TH="class: column-2 sorting_disabled, align: left"]MONITORING[/TH]
    [TH="class: column-3 sorting_disabled, align: left"]BENEFIT / PITFALLS[/TH]

    [TABLE="class: tablepress tablepress-id-5 dataTable no-footer, width: 909"]
    [TR="class: row-1"]
    [TH="class: column-1 sorting_disabled, align: left"][/TH]
    [TH="class: column-2 sorting_disabled, align: left"][/TH]
    [TH="class: column-3 sorting_disabled, align: left"][/TH]
    [TR="class: row-2"]
    [TD="class: column-1"]Private[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-2"]Easy[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-3"]Better control & visibility over system & software stack[/TD]
    [TR="class: row-3, bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
    [TD="class: column-1"]Public/Hybrid[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-2"]Difficult[/TD]
    [TD="class: column-3"]Difficult to monitor as data resides in both private and public clouds[/TD]

    [COLOR=#36A9E0][FONT=montserrat][B]Benefits of Cloud Monitoring[/B]

    [LIST][*]No IT infrastructure required[*]No CAPEX – only pay monthly subscription[*]Quick Setup and Installation as infrastructure is already in place[*]Scale as you need – can cater to organizations of different sizes[*]Zero Downtime[*]Start monitoring right away[*]Quick Installation[*]Unified Dashboard[*]Open API for seamless integration[*]Improved business efficiency[*]Complete Visibility into Cloud Resources[*]Monitor services and apps from any location having internet access[/LIST]

    [FONT=inherit][COLOR=#383838][FONT=inherit]Cloud Monitoring has become an indispensable part and hence monitoring it becomes even more important. An ideal cloud monitoring solution optimizes organizations cloud infrastructure through various parameters and metrics to ensure the desired level of outcome is achieved. This is where a monitoring solution such as Motadata Cloud, provides a single view of IT infrastructure – network, applications, database, server to help you solve your most complex performance and reliability problems quickly, simply & affordably.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. Avatar de Thiagoteleradio
    Bom dia pessoal, consegui resolver o problema.
    Só precise criar rotas na rede e na estação de trabalho para reconhecer o domínio que eu estava utilizando.
    Esta funcionando perfeitamente.
    Só tenho problema quando o provedor local, onde acesso pelo notebook bloqueia a VPN, quando ocorre isso eu tenho q acessar roteando a internet do Celular.
  6. Avatar de Thiagoteleradio
    Alguém pode me ajudar, não funcionou não.
    Consegui configurar e conecto na RB, mas não libera acesso a meu servidor de arquivos.
    Alguém pode me ajudar?
  7. Avatar de marceloalmeida586
    Boa tarde! Tenho esses equipamentos configurados. O SPA-3000 está conectado a um ramal da central Modulare (Intelbras). No SPA-2102 está conectado um telefone comum. Quando tiro telefone do gancho ele está pegando uma linha externa direto, como se discasse o número zero automaticamente. Quero escutar o tom da central Modulare, para discar para os ramais ou pegar uma linha externa discando o zero. As chamadas são recebidas normalmente. Alguém já passou por isso? Alguma dica?
  8. Avatar de aldevan
    pessoal atualizei o server do aplicativo de teste de porta (port forwarding), a versão anterior deixou de funcionar porque mudei de server, a nova versão 1.8 está qui para download
  9. Avatar de Biondi
    Bom dia Pessoal,

    Esta semana tive um problema semelhante e por essa razão cheguei a esse tópico. Como é um assunto que causa uma certa confusão, resolvi compartilhar a solução que encontrei, pode ser que ajude alguém.


    Foi desenvolvido um portal de vendas para acesso aos vendedores externos pela Web, mas era necessário que os usuários da rede interna também alcançassem esse servidor Web de dentro da rede, utilizando o IP externo.

    A solução encontrada está funcionando 100%:

    IP_externo - IP publico da sua internet
    IP_interno - Ip da sua rede que esta configurado no seu servidor de aplicacao
    Porta_da_aplicação - (no caso é um servidor WEB que responde em uma porta não padrão)

    Adicione no seu firewall Iptables as linhas a seguir:

    1) Para que o pacote alcance o destino:

    $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -d IP_externo -p tcp --dport Porta_da_aplicacao -j DNAT --to IP-interno:Porta_da_aplicacao

    2) Para que o pacote retorne para a máquina de origem:

    $IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d IP-interno -p tcp --dport Porta_da_aplicacao -j SNAT --to IP_externo

    Seu Firewall deve conter a linha abaixo para ativar o roteamento de pacotes, caso contrario adicione no inicio do arquivo, antes das regras de roteamento.

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    *Para esta regra funcionar adequadamente, seu IP Público deve ser Fixo
  10. Avatar de rodrigoreis212
    pessoal atualizei para a versao 5.2.13 o cisco spa3102 porem mesmo assim nao consigo identificar chamadas em meu aparelho, uso o spa 3102 no ponto A e no ponto B o pap2t, tudo funcionando normal, so nao esta funcionando o identificador de chamadas, alguem poderia me ajudar?
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