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  1. #1

    Padrão Dhcp Offering Lease Without Success..Need Help


    I have Got A problem That I cant resolve it
    My clients not all complain from getting ip..
    I use a hotspot

    and every thing is working!!

    Any Ideas?>?>>

    See The attatch
    Miniaturas de Anexos Miniaturas de Anexos Clique na imagem para uma versão maior

Nome:	         123.GIF
Visualizações:	278
Tamanho: 	2,8 KB
ID:      	5527  

  2. #2


    This happens only with a client?
    In my case happened with a client who had a computer that was the problem with viruses and in memory.
    If no such cases pass details of your network.

  3. #3



    I have install 3.28 Mikrotik on Desktop 3.0 GHz
    and i use a switch in the switch 3 nano2 have been installed

    I am sure my clients has clean computers(newly formated) and the antivirus is updated

    i think that because of long distans signal
    they are 2km far away from me and the act timing has set to 48