Protocol Number Protocol Name Status
80:19 Apollo Domain Disable
80:9B Apple Talk 1 and 2 Disable
80:F3 Apple Talk ARP 1 and 2 Disable
0B:AD Banyan VINES Disable
0B:AF Banyan VINES Echo Disable
60:03 Decnet Phase IV Disable
60:05 DEC Diagnostic Disable
60:04 DEC LAT Disable
60:07 DEC LAVC Disable
60:01 DEC MOP Dump/Load Disable
60:02 DEC MOP Rem Cons Disable
80:40 DEC NetBIOS Disable
80:05 HP Probe Control Disable
805 IBM SNA Services Disable
08:00 IP Disable
08:06 IP-ARP Disable
81:37 Novell(ECONFIG E) Disable
80:35 RARP Reverse ARP Disable
81:4C SNMP Over Ethernet Disable
08:88 Xyplex Disable
Olá... o que fazer com esses protocolos na AP2000 ativar alguns ou todos ? Por favor quem souber me dê uma Luz !!